Post whatever you like in here but try to keep it Honda City related!

Postby Dudley » Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:11 pm

Why doesnt someone go and get some stickers made up of the logo and everyone who wants on sends an order form and $5 to $10 to get a sticker sent back to them.  Just thought might be a good idea as people are lazy and wont get them made themselves so they're more likely to buy one which means more advertising for the site and the profit could go towards paying for the web space or something.  

Also, why arent there any organised cruises, i know 82-civ-wagon tried to organise one but it didnt happen.  I have noticed acouple of people that are located in brisbane and a fair few located in the same sort of area in NZ aswell.  Even if there arent many people who turn up, still be enjoyable to see some other city's (civic in my case) and go for a cruise up mount glorius/nebo or something.

Just acouple of ideas.:)


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Postby Colza » Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:01 pm

There were some stickers made up at one time i believe, and there are some files in the infobase in the format that signwriters use. Walk in with those and they will be able to make you stickers for fairly minimal cost.

I think the main reason that the cruises never work out is that there are too few members who check the site often enough to hear about them, and we are all spread over too wide an area. It becomes a big mission to get even just a few people into the same spot at the same time :-/

It is a shame I agree, and we shall keep trying im sure :)

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Postby Fader » Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:18 pm

Yeah we have tried the sticker idea at least once that i can remember, seems everyone is keen until it comes to the crunch of handing over around 10 big ones. So thats why we ended up putting the files in the infobase.

As for the cruises, yeah what colza said, but there does seem to be few of us around Brisbane, so maybe its time we really orginised something for some 'real life discussions!'

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Postby turbocab » Thu Apr 21, 2005 8:02 pm

ile be keen for a windscreen sticker if its good quality and wont flinch at paying ten bucks :o



Postby Dudley » Thu Apr 21, 2005 8:26 pm

[quote author=Fader link=board=GEN;num=1114071070;start=0#2 date=04/21/05 at 19:18:34]As for the cruises, yeah what colza said, but there does seem to be few of us around Brisbane, so maybe its time we really orginised something for some 'real life discussions!'[/quote]
Damn straight, if its planned well enough ahead and is on a free day you can count me in.  Ive spoken to 82_civic_wagon and he'll be keen.  Just a matter of someone setting a date and a route and organising it.  I personally dont yet own a city (will in the future) but i'd definately be up for a cruise and to check out some turb city action.



Postby GDTYMZ » Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:01 pm

well the sticker idea really appealed to me .. until i couldnt find "the city" - ya know "the one" taht i really liked and yeah, never will, i've lost all hope in these cars, good for under $700 for me but thats about it.

i was gonna put a sticker banner on my windscreen when i first got mine but i never got around to it as i decided it would have been too expensive to fix up for me at that stage.

and the cruise idea wont work, too spread out, not enough people, not enough enthusiasm, and most of all, not enough hope for all you peoples.



Postby Dudley » Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:08 pm

Whoa... Look out for Mr Positive  :P ;D

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Postby doggystyle » Fri Apr 22, 2005 3:27 am

lol... i reckon :o ;D

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Postby Brendan » Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:26 pm

bah dont listen to him, he's on vacation from the site anyway  ;)

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Postby K1W1 » Fri Apr 22, 2005 11:46 pm

As I said earlier Brendan , couldn't access the sticker files on info base , says they are not there .Want the windscreen one want  to suss out a sign writer just moved in close to my work. want to tart the old girl up abit  and put some decent digi photos in my album .

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Postby Smithy » Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:17 am


I've got two small ones about 30cm at home still.
might pass them on if I run in to any Brissie guys...

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Postby K1W1 » Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:19 am

Hey Smithy , do you still have the file for the screen printers ?
If so please e-mail it to me, be much appreciated

[email protected]

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Postby Smithy » Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:21 pm

Yep, it'll be a coupla days, I got shitty connection at my place where it is....I'll try and add it to my Gallery also if others want it again....If you do a search on stickers you may even find where it was originally posted...
..I'll email it out to you shortly anyway....

though I don't know if it should keep the correct format...

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Postby K1W1 » Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:56 am

Thats right now I remember , it had a funny file extension .
.eps or something wasnt it ?I know it wasn't .jpg or .bmp any way.
Cheers mate much appreciated.

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Postby campbell » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:57 pm


As for getting together, there's no excuse for anyone within 150km of Brisbane not getting along to this one.

McLeans Bridge, Mothers Day.  9am to 2 pm.

For once let's have more than 1 T2 turn up there.

We don't have any plans to be part of the show, but come along and look at the amazing array of sports and classic cars that gather.

Other Hondas that will be part of the display group will be a handfull of S2000s, Integra Type Rs. maybe an NSX and hopefully both an S600 and an S800.

Another Brisbane opportunity is the RACQ Cars of Yesteryear.  Alright, I know that Ts are only ~20 years old, but informally the RACQ has advised us that special interest cars can be included.

Anyone interested in either of these days?

And don't forget that there is a Caboolture/Kilcoy run, probably in September.  Maybe a day run out to Morgan Park in the next couple of months too.


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