Spring Rates : John

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Re: Spring Rates : John

Postby James » Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:57 pm

Awesome, sounds like ill have to try and find some 1g prelude knuckles then. It not sure about threading the knuckle, that might be a bit trick, but I guess it could work.

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Re: Spring Rates : John

Postby Colza » Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:37 pm

In NZ 1st gen preludes are so incredibly rare you would not believe. I think in the last 4 years, Bigelboe and I have spotted 4 between us. I once came accross one at a wreckers a few years ago and was mortified to find that it did not infact have the openable struts that others have suggested they should have. Im not sure if they had been replaced in this particular car, or if none of the NZ ones had openable struts...

My D2 contact has not yet got back to me with any more info on the adjustables. Any luck with the place near you?

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Re: Spring Rates : John

Postby John_S. » Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:07 am

I am afraid they are all but gone in my area as well.        !stGen Civics are ancient history arouund here. K.C. is a city with over a million pop. and I don't know of more than two other ones besides the ones I have.
My cars wouldn't still exist if I hadn't keep fixing them. When I go to the local Pic-Your-Part it makes me sick how many of the cars in the yard could have been made serviceable with a little work. But with mechanics around here charging 75.00 per hour, and so few people knowing how to do anything they all end up junk. Then to add to that injury nothing sits in the pickapull lot much over a month, then they crush it
I don't know the situation in your country, but I see a very bleak future in the USA for those who have little education and therefore will attain little money.
The auto corp. want to sell people new cars...PERIOD. Few of them give a rats ass what happens to the plight of the common man. Even thogh it WAS the common man who built this country. Karma...they WILL reap what they are sowing, only problem is most of those A-  holes will be dead and gone . >:(

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Re: Spring Rates : John

Postby John_S. » Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:18 am

I'll add one more thing. I'm over 50yrs old and proud to say I am one of the "Hippie" Generation. And all I can say about that is over this entire span of my life thus far...NOTHING... has changed my attitudes about the greedy and worthless people who manage to lie, steal and cheat their way into positions of power and decision making. It is these SCUMBAGS that cement all of our futures due to their gross incompetancies in the positions that they hold. In my mind there is no greater reason for the existance of the death penalty than THEM.
Whoops...almost well off my soapbox...

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Re: Spring Rates : John

Postby turbocab » Sat Nov 19, 2005 7:20 am

hahaha go john ;D
you and my father would have got on real well...a couple of grumpy old hippies ;)

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Re: Spring Rates : John

Postby John_S. » Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:50 am

Hey Bigelboe,
I just went to my local Pick-U-Pull today...(Wednesday), and they have recently put an '82 Prelude in the yard. I could go and get the front uprights and lower control arms(if good)...and...it has a full set of struts on it which are the origional threaded kind, so if you want I can pull those too. I need to know if you are seriously interested or not by tomorrow, as the weather is iffy around here now, but they are predicting a high of 40F on Friday, so that would not be too bad,(as long as I keep moving), but after that the temp is dropping, so it's anyones' guess.   I know the car will not be in the yard over a month, so the temp willl just keep getting colder.  ::) Anyhow let me know if you want the stuff.

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