I'm developing a performance suspension package for City's

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Postby James » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:03 pm

Well, they may have been nearly 3 years in the making, but its finally getting pretty close! And damn, they look awesome!!




None of this would have happened without Pro-T (Glen), he has had confidence in me from the start, so if you get a set, send him a thankyou message!

The anodizing came out to be a bit more expensive than I had hoped, but its a very nice finish and its a Hard-Anodize so it shouldn't be wearing off any time soon.

OK a run down on the parts cost for this set, I figured I'm going to be completely open about my parts costs, and whenever I sell a set we can work out how much you want to contribute towards my labour and non-parts costs, like the lathe, and tooling (~$2000 so far):

Shock inserts:
$320.40 USD ~ $400 NZD

$400/3 sets = $134 NZD

$115 NZD

Spring seats and End Caps (Materials only):

Shock Oil:

So the total for bare shocks no springs, no labour(!!!) at the moment is about $750 NZD.

For my first set, that was about $70 higher because of the exchange rate when I bought the inserts.

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Postby bowlink1 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:56 pm

hi james, ive only recently started following the development of these, very impressed, what an awsome project. Pending the up and coming testing, if all good then i would be in if there are any available or for any to become available in the future. Cheers, father of bowlink1

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Postby rustyhornet » Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:37 am

G'day James,
Looking great!
Just wondering if you ended up machining the slot in the lower section of strut tub?
(for bolting the hub assembly on)
As asked before, not visible in pictures.


Postby Mugen88 » Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:54 pm

Major kudos for this suspension package, a much needed addition to the performance world of the City Turbo. 8)

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Postby snareth » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:50 pm

any news on these puppies? did pro t get them, fit them, take some pics? so many questions!!! :shock:

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Postby James » Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:16 pm

Hi All,

I realized I made an error with the rear struts. For some reason I forgot that city rears have the two pinch points, rather than just the single point of the civic rears. I've modified two of the ones that are yet to be anodized to fit into the city rears so thats not too bad, it only takes about 30 mins a strut.

However, now I need a rear knuckle bit from a city to trial fit the struts, and put the grooves that allow the bolts in them. I may have to make some custom bolts that are slightly thinner in the middle as I don't have a lot of wall thickness left.

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Postby James » Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:37 am

I have acquired a set of city rear suspension so when I get some spare time (!) I finally have all the stuff required to fix this cock-up.

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Postby Jared2501 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:41 pm

Hey all, Ive finally amassed enough monies to get my susspension done! Any chance of getting one of these sets if theyre ready? If not, does anyone have an recommendations for places around auckland that would do a good job? Churs!

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Postby connorling » Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:13 am

I would like a set too if possible, I I can get these, then I won't sell my city. Pm me please

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Postby James » Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:00 pm

Finally finished modifying a set to fit into the city rear setup, it was a PITA, getting anodized now. When its back it will get assembled and will go to ProT for testing.

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Postby connorling » Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:01 pm

So when r wegoing to get to buy these suspension?

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Postby twin_c's » Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:07 pm

let us know when there ready . also how much would just the fronts (complete with springs) be posted to Brisbane Australia

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Postby James » Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:54 am

The Mrs has said If I want to get a new car (I do :P) I should sell some suspension to help pay for it, so there might be some action on this soon lol.

Also I am going to the USA again in a couple of weeks, so hopefully I can get the first set posted before I leave, get some testing done, and if its successful I can get another couple of sets of inserts to make some more sets.

As for a time frame, who knows. To make this financially appealing for me to work on, I would have to be charging around $2k+ a set, and I know for that price I'm unlikely to sell any, so I am just doing this as a hobby to keep the price down, thats why its taking so long.

If anyone wanted to pay that kind of price, I could make something happen a lot sooner 8)

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Postby James » Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:57 am

Another update: I have found a new partner to help me machine some of the parts on a CNC, this means the major hold up for these, which is me manually making parts, will dissapear. Watch this space.

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Postby stx-16 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:32 am

i am pretty keen to get a front set of coilovers when you have them finished

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