Turbo II Help

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Turbo II Help

Postby MichaelK » Mon Aug 18, 2003 9:15 pm


I'm currently thinking about buying a Turbo II and would like some advice on what parts are - and aren't - available here in Australia.

The vehicle I'm looking at needs a new CV joint (not sure if it's inner or outer) and I need to work out if its the same as a Pro T's or any other local Hondas. Not sure what my options are here.

I hear rust can be an issue - what are the areas to look out for?

Aside from that, I also wouldn't mind knowing if the gearbox has parts that can be swapped from the Pro T or, again, another Honda model.

Basically, I'm after all the technical 'what if XXXX breaks' information I can get!

Thanks for your help!


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Re: Turbo II Help

Postby doggystyle » Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:59 pm

if the cars reasonably cheap dont worry about what if, just get it and worry about that later.. its better if there's a couple of probs cos then you learn about your car.. bond with it if you would.. but if its a bit of a crapper then forget it, they tend to rust around they bonnet hinges on the body and if theyre rusting there then its normally a sure bet that its rusting behind that(inside the gaurd and plastic vent cover)..also underneath the car around the sub frame mounts and around the back gaurd seams(inside and out)

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Re: Turbo II Help

Postby campbell » Sun Aug 24, 2003 7:14 pm

Hi Michael,

One of the lads here in Brisbane had his drive shafts replaced by one of the specialist drive shaft people.  Same day service and very reasonable cost.

The gearbox, I've been led to beleive, is common to the 1500 Civic of the 1980's.

I've had a spot of rust in the rear adjacent to the jack storage recess.  Only about the size of a 10c coin.  Quickly and easily fixed.

If you're a pessimist, you can expect all sorts of trouble with these cars.  Or you can just take it and find that with routine, normal care, they're a great car to play with.  Fun to drive and like all Hondas, more reliable than the others.


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